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Even though replacing electrical wiring may never cross your mind, it is necessary. It is possible for old, faulty or worn-out wiring on your electrical system to cause a host of electrical problems and pose a risk to your safety.

But there isn’t anything wrong, and neither have you faced any issues yet, so why bother? Maybe you are just overthinking, and it will turn out to be a bad investment.

This is where most people go wrong because there’s no such thing as "money wasted" in electrical maintenance. Don’t believe us? Check out these common signs of old wiring on your electrical system and decide for yourself.

Signs That Your Old Electrical Wiring Needs Replacing

We often neglect a mild shock while switching on an electrical appliance or noises from the wiring. It might seem nothing serious, but old electrical wiring systems can malfunction after many years of heavy use. If left unattended, these issues can snowball into something big, putting the safety of your family and neighbours at risk.

Bunch Electrical Cords Hanging Wall

We have highlighted some tell-tale signs you should never ignore to replace electrical wiring without delay.

1. Do You Use Extension Cords Often?

You may frequently use extension cords to run appliances and gadgets in different rooms without thinking about it much. But what’s wrong with this? Don’t most people use extension cords for greater convenience?

That’s exactly the point - extension cords are meant for convenience but using them often indicates a shortage of electrical outlets in your home. When a room only has a couple of outlets but needs more, using an extension cord or power board to run multiple appliances can overload the circuit.

2. Aluminium Wiring

Previously, most people opted for aluminium wiring because it was economical. But cheap wiring often comes at a price, and with time aluminium wires lead to electrical failures at main connections and start short-circuiting or sparking. If you are one of the lucky ones and your aluminium connections haven’t malfunctioned yet, make changes ASAP.

Opt for copper wires that are safer and more efficient than aluminium wires since they reduce issues like creeping by forming tight connections. There are hardly any gaps between copper and the connections, which lowers the chances of sparks, fires and overheating.

3. Fuse Breaker Trips Frequently

The purpose of the fuse breaker is to break the circuit when excess electricity passes through the wires. But if the fuse trips too many times, there’s a problem with the wiring and connections. Calling a professional electrician for repairs would be best but until then, unplug all appliances, especially when you have plugged them into one circuit.

Try plugging them in separately because if the fuse still trips, it points to a major issue within the circuit.

4. Stained Outlets

An effective way to determine whether the wiring needs changing is to look at the outlets for discolouration and staining. This usually points to a surge in power and may result in fire hazards, so be proactive and call an electrician at the earliest.

5. Old Sockets And Switches

If you haven’t upgraded the switches and sockets in your home and used the same fixtures from the beginning, the chances of finding worn-out wiring are high. Contact a licensed electrical service to look at the wiring because black rubber wires indicate that the circuit is several decades old.

Modern circuits have done away with this wire, using safer alternatives like copper that won’t deteriorate and cause electrical fires.

Upgrading Your Wiring At Home

Changing Wiring Switch

Electrical safety is no joke, and it’s crucial to take adequate measures to keep the wiring and connections in top condition.

Even if there are no issues, it would be wise to contact a professional service for maintenance on your electrical system at least twice a year. This will help you stay on top of most issues and detect a problem before it becomes something big.

Also, educate your family on electrical and fire safety by conducting drills, so they know how to respond in an emergency. But let’s hope it doesn’t come to that because, with our guide, you can quickly spot most issues.

Our team of electricians can assist with your electrical needs in Melbourne. Precision Electrical & Plumbing offers exceptional emergency electrical repairs and can safely replace electrical wiring. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!

Until next time!

Photo of Justin Morris



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