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Around 40% of fires in Australian households each year are caused by electrical malfunctions. However, you can avoid them by taking the correct safety measures and precautions.

One of the main reasons these electrical malfunctions occur is poor wiring. The wires struggle to carry high power voltages, causing them to snap and catch fire.

Rodents and pests can also severely damage your wiring and cause issues. As a result, the NSW Fair Trading has given a few guidelines to identify faulty electrical wiring and prevent accidents.

Fortunately, there are a few warning signs, so the problem can be fixed before it causes any major damage.

Other than that, there are a few DIY checks to identify faulty electrical wiring, and we have mentioned them briefly in this guide. So, let’s dive in!

How To Detect Faulty Wiring?

Electrical Wiring Roof

1. Funny Smell

One of the easiest ways of detecting faulty electrical wiring is checking power points for a burnt odour when you turn on the switch. As soon as you notice the odd smell coming from the outlet, you should immediately turn off the power and disconnect any appliance connected to it.

Besides this, if you notice the breaker panel or switchboard producing an odd smell, you should immediately contact a licensed electrician.

2. Sparking

Sparks are never a good sign; however, the severity of the situation depends on the source. For instance, if you spot sparks from the outlet, break panel or switchboard, you should seek the services of an electrician without delay.

Apart from this, you might notice an appliance sparking if any component is damaged. You should turn off the appliance and contact a qualified electrician in this situation.

3. Unorganised Extension Cords

Nowadays, almost every home has at least one extension cord. And the same goes for power boards. However, leaving wires without organisation can lead to serious safety hazards.

Messy Extensions Leads Power Board

If the cord has a broken wire, it can increase the chances of electrocution. Broken wires can also lead to electrical fires, so you shouldn’t keep the extension cords dangling in an open space all the time.

4. Flickering And Dimming Of Lights

Typically, lights draw little electricity since they don’t require that much power. Nevertheless, there are some cases when some appliances hog a lot of energy for themselves. Room heaters usually tend to consume a lot of energy, and this causes the light to flicker due to an increase in the power surge.

Similarly, a washing machine can cause your lights to dim since it draws all the energy to produce warm water for washing. You can avoid this problem by installing a dedicated line for such “power-hungry” appliances.

Turning Light Switch

5. Wrong Power Outlet in Bathroom And Kitchen

When it comes to the bathroom and kitchen, it is recommended to install ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) since it prevents water from shocking the power outlets. If you install the wrong power outlets, the water will easily shock the main electrical system, and it can cause severe damage to your home appliances.

6. Hot Switch Plates And Outlets

Generally, a power outlet or a switch plate shouldn’t turn warm when you use a power-hungry appliance such as a toaster or an oven. The appliance may feel warm to the touch once it is turned on, but there is usually nothing to worry about.

However, you have a major wiring problem if the power outlets become too hot without any appliance plugging in. In this situation, you should contact the electrician to get the wiring replaced.

Toast Popping Toaster

Electrical Safety In Your Home

After you have identified the sources of faulty wiring in the house, you need to take responsibility for fixing them before they can escalate. For starters, we recommend keeping your extension cord organised and neat.

Leaving cords all over the house can cause accidents such as tripping or electrocutions. Apart from this, you should call pest control to inspect your house at least once every six months to prevent pests from damaging the wires and appliances.

Similarly, you should replace old wiring occasionally since modern appliances use a lot of energy which can cause your wires to carry more power than they can handle. Lastly, you should install the correct outlets in the kitchen and bathroom if you want to avoid getting a shock.

Remember that taking precautions at the right time can protect your home and family from irreparable damages. Our friendly team can inspect and repair your wiring, ensuring your home and family are safe. If you need an electrician in Melbourne, don’t hesitate to contact us. See you next time!

Photo of Justin Morris



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